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 About Us

About ARCL:

AMC Repo Clearing Limited (ARCL) was incorporated in April 2021 and is recognized in-principle by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations (SECC) Regulations, 2018. ARCL is a Central Counter Party (CCP) offering clearing and settlement services to all trades executed on NSE and BSE under triparty repo in corporate debt securities with robust risk management along with guarantee mechanism.

Vision & Mission:

To support an active and robust corporate debt securities market

To be the only clearing corporation for clearing & settlement of tri-party repo in corporate debt securities in India

  • To facilitate, set up and carry on the business of clearing and settlement of repo transactions with settlement guarantee in corporate debt securities.
  • To ensure clearing & settlement with settlement guarantee in corporate debt securities.
  • To act as a Tri-party Repo agent between the two parties to the repo transactions and to facilitate services like collateral selection, payment and settlement, custody and management during the life of the transaction.
  • To support and develop market in credit risk products.

Board of Directors:
Sr. No. Name & Company Designation
1 Mr. Srinivasan Varadarajan
Non-Executive, Chairman of Union Bank of India
Ex Deputy Managing Director of Axis Bank
Chairman & Public Interest Director
2 Mr. K Vaidya Nathan
Resident faculty at the Indian School of Business, Mohali
Public Interest Director
3 Ms. Huzan Mistry
Former Consultant, National Stock Exchange, Mumbai
Public Interest Director
4 Mr. Sumeet Kumar
Chief General Manager, Finance - PFC
Nominee Director
5 Mr. Kashinath Katakdhond

Managing Director
Management Team:
Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Kashinath Katakdhond Managing Director
2 Ms. Hetal Chauhan Chief Financial Officer
3 Mr. Amit Bodas Chief Risk Officer
4 Ms. Sheela Burte Chief Compliance Officer
5 Ms. Shweta Bhatt Head – Operations
6 Mr. Vedant Kamulkar Company Secretary
7 Mr. Natarajan Ramasamy Advisor